Kid Kiosk is an English language kindergarten located in the heart of District II in Budapest, Hungary.
Founded in 2009 by our school principle Branca Latinovic who worked for many years at the International British School, Budapest. We now provide pre-school education for children of over 20 different nationalities in two different locations.
All classes are taught by at least one native English speaking teacher, supported by classroom assistants. They are enthusiastic and experienced educators with a genuine love of the kids in their care. Our teachers truly represent the multi national aspect of our school. Some come to us from as far away as Perth, Australia, some from just across the river in Pest – and many places in between!
At Kids Kiosk we follow the British Early Years Foundation Stage Programme.
We believe that young children need a well planned and resourced curriculum that allows them to learn at their own pace while providing opportunities to succeed in a caring and attentive environment.
The Early Years Foundation programme focuses on 5 key areas;
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication, Language and Literacy
- Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
- Knowledge and understanding of the world
- Physical Development
We believe in the importance of family involvement in children’s education. Your child’s teacher will provide you with regular progress updates and we schedule parent-teacher meetings to facilitate any questions you may have. We also send a monthly newsletter to keep you informed, not only abut what’s going on in your child’s class, but what’s happening at the school in general!
We would like to invite you to visit our school and see for yourself what we can offer!